Binance CEX
Total Assets$147.157b  .csv
Bitcoin | $55.522b |
Ethereum | $42.515b |
BSC | $19.439b |
Solana | $7.809b |
XRPL | $6.269b |
Tron | $3.439b |
Doge | $3.38b |
Base | $2.282b |
Arbitrum | $1.412b |
OP Mainnet | $1.236b |
Litecoin | $845.3m |
Avalanche | $770.81m |
Polkadot | $711.66m |
Near | $498.97m |
Polygon | $334.32m |
Aptos | $226.6m |
Algorand | $222.37m |
Starknet | $145.57m |
Manta | $80.23m |
OpBNB | $11.63m |
ZKsync Era | $6.41m |
Fantom | $0 |
Exchange Information
Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange which is the largest exchange in the world in terms of daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies
Total Assets: We collect the wallets from this binance blog post We are not counting the Binance Recovery Fund wallet