Total Value Locked$97.36m
Ethereum | $51.71m |
Arbitrum | $25.98m |
OP Mainnet | $11.42m |
Base | $8.25m |
Blast | $0 |
Mode | $0 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$203,196 |
Staked | $203,196 |
$315,026 | |
$3.46m | |
$4.07m | |
$6.3m | |
Development Activity
(updated at 04/09/24)
Weekly commits: 5
Monthly commits: 5
Weekly developers: 2
Monthly developers: 2
Last commit: 6 months ago (2024-09-04)
Token Information
Fees: Sum of all fees from Derive V1,Derive V2
Revenue: Sum of all revenue from Derive V1,Derive V2