Total Value Locked$18.82m
Ethereum | $6.97m |
BSC | $5.67m |
Arbitrum | $1.98m |
Avalanche | $1.12m |
Polygon | $1.03m |
Base | $965,246 |
Zircuit | $921,120 |
Scroll | $90,981 |
Aurora | $34,693 |
Manta | $30,603 |
Linea | $6,095 |
OP Mainnet | $2,032 |
Mantle | $305.51 |
$180,831 | |
$30.74m | |
$6.15m | |
$2.19m | |
Development Activity
(updated at 21/02/25)
Weekly commits: 27
Monthly commits: 47
Weekly developers: 10
Monthly developers: 16
Last commit: a day ago (2025-02-21)
Token Information
Fees: Swap fees paid by users
Revenue: Percentage of swap fees going to treasury and/or token holders