Morpho Blue (MORPHO)
Total Value Locked$3.648b  .csv
Ethereum | $3.135b |
Base | $512.74m |
Polygon | $2 |
Scroll | $0 |
OP Mainnet | $0 |
Ink | $0 |
Fraxtal | $0 |
Arbitrum | $0 |
World Chain | $0 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$2.147b |
$2.147b | |
$9.12m | |
$27.75m |
Protocol Information
Morpho Blue is a trustless and efficient lending primitive with permissionless market creation
TVL: Collateral (supply minus borrows) in the balance of the Morpho contracts
Fees: Interest paid by borrowers
Revenue: Percentage of interest going to treasury