SashimiSwap (SASHIMI)
Total Value Locked$21,304Â Â .csv
BSC | $20,261 |
Ethereum | $1,044 |
Heco | $0 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$319,201 | |
$0 |
$319,201 |
Protocol Information
SashimiSwap is a multi-chain deployed decentralized transaction protocol built upon AMM and exchange pools.
Forked from:Uniswap V2
Development Activity
(updated at 04/09/23)
Weekly commits: 3
Monthly commits: 3
Weekly developers: 1
Monthly developers: 1
Last commit: 2 years ago (2023-08-24)
TVL: We count liquidity on the Farms (LP tokens) threw Factory Contract; and on the lending markets same as compound