SmarDex (SDEX)
Total Value Locked$8.09m  .csv
Ethereum | $6.84m |
Arbitrum | $485,835 |
BSC | $378,825 |
Base | $322,711 |
Polygon | $55,519 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$24.51m |
Staked | $24.51m |
$5.04m | |
$106,616 | |
$88,279 | |
$4.5m |
Protocol Information
SMARDEX sophisticated fine-tuned algorithm transforms impermanent loss to impermanent gain!
Forked from:Uniswap V2
Fees: A minor fee is collected on each swap, functioning as trading fees. The fees are set at 0.07% on Ethereum and 0.1% on other chains. On other networks, fees may vary between different pairs and chains. Refer to for detailed information.
Revenue: 0.02% of each swap on Ethereum is collected for staking pool (SDEX holders that staked). On other chains, fees are collected for liquidity providers and fees may vary between different pairs and chains. Refer to for detailed information.