CyborgSwap (CBO)
Total Value Locked$25,899Â Â .csv
Cronos | $25,899 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$4,787 |
Staked | $4,787 |
Protocol Information
NFT oriented DEX on Cronos Chain. Trade, farm, earn and now stake your owned NFTs from several Cronos projects.
Forked from:Uniswap V2
TVL: Factory address (0x6C50Ee65CFcfC59B09C570e55D76daa7c67D6da5) is used to find the LP pairs. TVL is equal to the liquidity on the AMM, while staking is the amount of CNO & CBO tokens found in the Masterchefs(0x77ea4a4cF9F77A034E4291E8f457Af7772c2B254,0xaBAD73Be9fd441731ADb007AdB6C1b03e730A8e0).