SushiSwap V3 (SUSHI)
Total Value Locked$20.65m  .csv
Base | $8.99m |
Arbitrum | $4.98m |
Ethereum | $1.37m |
Filecoin | $986,824 |
CORE | $609,676 |
HAQQ | $550,010 |
Polygon | $544,565 |
Scroll | $472,705 |
OP Mainnet | $451,498 |
ThunderCore | $362,701 |
Gnosis | $356,588 |
SKALE Europa | $293,050 |
Avalanche | $192,154 |
Linea | $182,637 |
Sonic | $160,784 |
BSC | $65,249 |
Hemi | $28,257 |
Arbitrum Nova | $23,500 |
Polygon zkEVM | $6,670 |
Blast | $4,267 |
Metis | $3,318 |
Fantom | $3,090 |
ZetaChain | $2,925 |
Moonriver | $512.79 |
Kava | $24.43 |
Fuse | $1.05 |
Bittorrent | $0.68 |
Moonbeam | $0 |
$3.15m | |
$9.62m |
Fees: Each pool charge between 0.01% to 1% fee
Revenue: 0 to 1/4 of the fee goes to treasury